

Det gjelder spesielt i en tid med så fundamentale endringer. Document forsøker å både stille spørsmålene og besvare dem. Document er eit musikkalbum frå den amerikanske rockegruppa R.

Plata var den fyrste som vart produsert av både Scott Litt og . A document is a written, drawn, presented or recorded representation of thoughts. Originating from the Latin Documentum meaning lesson – the verb doceō . Get stuff done with or without an internet connection.

In the HTML DOM (Document Object Model), everything is a node: The document itself is a document node; All HTML elements are element . A jQuery or jqLite wrapper for the browser’s window. ExampleController p$document title: b . Rea listen, view, annotate almost anything you want on your iPad and iPhone. Files, documents, books, any content is at home in Documents . The Document interface represents any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page’s content, which is the . Returns a reference to the document contained in the window.