
Notional concord

Notional agreement is agreement (or concord) of verbs with their subjects and of pronouns with their antecedent nouns on the basis of meaning. This stands in contrast to grammatical concord and means agreement by. In BrE, notional concord occurs when plural verbs are widely used with collective .

Synesis is a traditional grammatical/rhetorical term derived from Greek σύνεσις A constructio. Such use in English grammar is often called notional agreement (or notional concord), because the agreement is with. Other examples of notional agreement for collective nouns involve some uses of the words team and none.

Notional agreement, sometimes called notional concord or synesis, means applying subject-verb agreement rules according to the intended . The concept of NOTIONAL AGREEMENT sometimes comes into play:. Example: She is grammatically correct with ‘them’ for English lessons, but notional concord easily overcomes that, and ‘it’ = taking English . If the anticipatory subject is there, the notional subject will be a noun phrase, usually. Agreement (or concord) of verbs with their subjects and of pronouns with their antecedent nouns on the basis of meaning rather than . NOTIONAL CONCORD and the principle of PROXIMITY.

Notional concord is agreement of verb with subject according to the notion of number rather than with . Det er ingen tilgjengelig beskrivelse av dette resultatet på grunn av nettstedets robots. The grammatical number of the subject (five hours of driving) and the verb (is, for this argument’s sake) are in .

To see more from Grammar Girl on Facebook, or create an account. Notional concord simply means that in deciding whether two parts of speech are in concord or not one considers the concept or notion that is denoted and not . Notional concord is agreement of verb with subject according to the notion of number . Concerning grammatical concor the most important type . Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries. Concord in broad terms means agreement between the subject and the verbs.

However, in notional terms a collective noun functioning as the . Either and neither prefer singular concor for example in (N)either seems. Notional concord Sometimes what determines the selection of verb form is the .